Wellbank is supported accommodation in Perth City Centre, it works with young people to help prepare them for living in a home of their own.
Wellbank Users
Wellbank is for 16 to 24 year olds, male and female, who are registered as homeless. Anyone who is considered for Wellbank will be invited to attend an assessment to ensure that this is the right place for them.
We work with all residents to ensure they have a placement in education, training or employment. We'll find the right place for the individual, and work with them to ensure it is beneficial and will help them in the future.
Gaining Access to Wellbank
Methods to gain access:
- Refer themselves by contacting Wellbank directly at 41 Dundee Road, Perth or phone 01738 459792.
- By registering as homeless.
- Through their social worker, parents/carers, or anyone else who knows the young person and thinks that Wellbank might be suitable for them.
Living at Wellbank
Wellbank is a self-contained house with 10 individual bedrooms, all of which are en-suite. Communal rooms consist of a kitchen, two living rooms and a laundry facility.
We try to make Wellbank as much of a home-like environment as possible, with staff on hand 24 hours a day to provide advice, guidance and support.
Wellbank Support
All young people will be allocated a key worker and link worker when they first come to Wellbank. They meet with their key/link worker regularly to talk about how things are going so that any issues or progress can be addressed at an early stage.
The Support/Guidance includes:
- Budgeting & Benefit Advice
- Health and Safety - Register with a GP, Dentist, Healthy Living, Personal Safety, etc.
- Practical Skills - DIY, Recycling, First Aid, Cooking
- Confidence Building, Self-Esteem, Emotional Support
It is expected of anyone staying at Wellbank to work with their key/link worker towards independence within the community. If someone doesn't want to engage with their support then they may be asked to leave.