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Almondbank flood protection scheme


Almondbank has experienced a history of flooding from the River Almond and East Pow Burn, with serious flooding events taking place in 1993, 1999 and more recently in January 2011.  In order to mitigate flooding in the area, the Council commissioned consultants to investigate the extent of the problem and develop potential solutions. The proposals comprise a series of flood defences along the River Almond and the East Pow Burn and a temporary flood storage area on the playing fields next to Main Street.

Public consultation

Perth & Kinross Council has consulted with the residents of Almondbank, Lochty and Huntingtowerfield during public exhibitions held in January 2008 and June 2011.

Following the January 2008 exhibition, an extensive review of the scheme was carried out and a revised outline design developed. The revised scheme was put to public consultation in June and July 2011 and received general approval.

Where possible, the Scheme was amended to address local concerns. The Public Consultation Community Report (PDF) [1MB]  provides a summary of the June 2011 public consultation exercise and details the various comments received and the actions taken to address any concerns raised.

The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009

Scheme publication

In order to secure the necessary statutory approval, the Council was required to 'publish' the proposed Scheme under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. The Scheme was published on 2 July 2013.

During the publication period a number of comments were received from the public, local landowners and various stakeholders. All comments were addressed through discussions with the relevant parties.

Scheme confirmation

On 20 November 2013 the Environment Committee agreed to confirm the Almondbank Flood Protection Scheme 2013 with no modifications as outlined in the committee report (PDF) [4MB] .

In order to complete the statutory process of confirming the scheme, the scheme confirmation notice was published on 29th November 2013 in The Courier and Edinburgh Gazette. The Notice (PDF) [66KB] , letter (PDF) [77KB] and accompanying newsletter (PDF) [1MB] that provided an update on the Scheme was also issued to all persons affected by the proposed scheme. In addition, the notice was displayed in prominent positions in and around the Almondbank and Lochty area.

View the confirmed Almondbank flood protection scheme documents.

Planning consent

An application for planning consent was made on 20 December 2013 and formal consent (PDF) [162KB] was deemed to have been granted by the Scottish Ministers on 16 January 2014.


In January 2014 Perth & Kinross Council submitted an application for capital grant assistance to the Scottish Government to progress the project to the detailed design and construction phase.  On the 30 June 2014 the Council received confirmation that £11.7M of the overall estimated capital project cost of £14.7M had been granted by the Scottish Government. Funding is therefore in place for the Scheme.

Last modified on 27 March 2018

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