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Flood risk management plans

The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009

Scotland has adopted a new approach to manage the risk of flooding. To better plan and co-ordinate action on this, the Council is working closely with SEPA, Scottish Water, other local authorities, Scottish Forestry and the national parks to implement new national and local plans. These documents set out how flooding is being tackled now, and in the future, and how we will reduce the impact of our unpredictable weather.

View the Flood Risk Management planning process video developed by SEPA.

Cycle 1 (2016-2022)

The Published Final Reports

Cycle 1 is now complete.

Following an assessment of the progress made in implementing their flood risk management plans, each lead local authority was due to publish a final report in December 2022. These final reports set out the progress made from 2016 - 2022 in delivering the actions to avoid and reduce the risk of flooding, and prepare and protect ourselves and our communities across the local plan district. The published Final Reports are available to view below:

SEPA, local authorities, Scottish Water and other responsible authorities will continue to work collaboratively to implement the actions set out in the new Cycle 2 local flood risk management plans to their conclusion in December 2028.

Cycle 2 (2022-2028)

The Second National Flood Risk Assessment

SEPA is required to review and update the National Flood Risk Assessment every 6 years. In December 2018, SEPA therefore published the second national flood risk assessment. This is part of a process aimed at improving Scotland's future flood risk management plans.

For more information, you can view SEPA's NRFA animation or Frequently Asked Questions.

The designation of areas which are potentially vulnerable to flooding changed in 2018. Details can be viewed on SEPA's NFRA 2018 web page.

Please call 01738 475000 if you require any further information.

Flood maps

The national flood risk assessment has been supplemented with further updates to the indicative flood maps, which can be viewed on SEPA's website.

Flood Risk Management Plans and Local Flood Risk Management Plans

Flooding in Scotland is being managed through 14 local plan districts which are based on river catchments. The public authorities are working in partnership to manage flood risk within these districts. SEPA has published a flood risk management plan (previously referred to as the 'strategy') for each district and the lead local authorities have published a local flood risk management plan.

Perth & Kinross Council is the lead authority for the Tay district as well as being involved in three other surrounding districts - the Forth, Forth Estuary and the Tay Estuary & Montrose Basin. 

The process of flood risk assessment, flood mapping and planning required by the Flood Act will be repeated every six years with the long term goal of reducing flood risk across Scotland over time. In combination with increasing education and awareness within communities about how they can protect themselves from flooding, the measures adopted under the Flood Act will be aimed at reducing the risk of flooding to residents and businesses in Perth & Kinross with consequent benefits for all including a safer environment, the avoidance of flood damage and improved health and wellbeing.

Public consultation

A national public consultation was undertaken between 21 December 2020 and 30 October 2021 on the draft Flood Risk Management Plans and Local Flood Risk Management Plans.

SEPA's response to the public consultation can be viewed on their Citizen Space website. The responses to the consultation were used to inform the final Flood Risk Management Plans published in December 2021 and the Council's final local flood risk management plans.

The Published Flood Risk Management Plans (2021 - 2027)

Following a national public consultation, SEPA published new Flood Risk Management Plans in December 2021.

The Published Local Flood Risk Management Plans (2022 - 2028)

Following a national public consultation, each lead local authority was due to publish a local flood risk management plan by 31 December 2022. These local plans supplement, and are consistent with, SEPA's plans but also set out the responsibilities, timescales, local coordination and funding arrangements for the implementation of the selected actions.  View the published Local Flood Risk Management Plans below:

The Council is now engaged in the process of implementing the actions set out in the local plans and will continue to record and investigate flood events, inspect and clear bodies of water and progress flood protection works and schemes in areas where there is a known flood risk.

Strategic Environmental Assessment

Perth & Kinross Council, as lead authority for the Tay Local Plan District, has determined in accordance with Section 8(1) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 that a Strategic Environmental Assessment is not required for the Tay Local Flood Risk Management Plan.

The Council's Screening Report, Determination and Statement of Reasons are available below:

Last modified on 02 March 2023

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