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Alterations and improvements

Improvements and modernisation is necessary in order to keep Perth & Kinross Council Housing up to Scottish Housing Quality Standards (SHQS).

Changes made by us

Recent improvements and modernisation schemes have included the installation of new bathrooms, kitchens, windows and doors in our housing stock. Currently the focus is on energy efficiency and central heating works, and the installation of secure door entry systems within blocks of flats as appropriate.

Notification Procedures

If your home is being modernised we will tell you about it as far in advance as possible. We'll send you an initial letter, usually two years before the work begins with details of the work to be done to your house, as soon as it appears in the Council's approved budget and the approximate start date.

Changes made by the tenant

You will need to contact your local area housing team setting out what you'd like to do, and ask for permission to go ahead with any physical alteration or improvement to your Council home or any of its garden ground, for example if you wanted to:

  • alter, improve or enlarge your house, boundary fences, walls, and hedges;
  • construct a path or driveway (subject to vehicular access consent);
  • add new fittings or fixtures like kitchen or bathroom installations, central heating, fixed heaters, double glazing, and any aerial or satellite dish;
  • put up a structure, such as a garage, shed or greenhouse;
  • install any form of pine lining and timber cladding (subject to obtaining a building warrant);
  • install laminate or other fixed permanent flooring (more info in this laminate flooring leaflet (PDF, 355 KB)).

Some proposed alterations also require planning permission and/ or a building warrant in accordance with the Building Regulations.

Further information is available on our website by visiting the Planning and building and Building standards pages.  Additionally, information on what you can build without planning permission may be helpful. 

When you end your tenancy, you may be entitled to compensation for your alterations.

Right to Compensation

The Right to Compensation applies if you paid for certain improvements to be carried out on your Council house or after 1 April 1994:

  • bath, shower or sink
  • toilet
  • kitchen sink and worktops
  • storage cupboards in bathroom or kitchen
  • central heating, hot water boilers and other types of heating
  • thermostatic radiator valves
  • pipe, water tank or cylinder insulation
  • loft and cavity wall insulation
  • draught-proofing of external doors and windows
  • double-glazing, other window replacement or secondary glazing
  • rewiring, or the provision of power and lighting or other electrical fitting (including smoke detectors)
  • security measures (excluding burglar alarms)

Interior decorating (painting and wallpapering) does not qualify for compensation.

Applying for Compensation

You must make a claim in writing to the Council. The timescales for doing so are no earlier than 28 days before and no later than 21 days after your tenancy ends. Additionally, you have 28 days to request a review or reconsideration if you do not agree with our decision.

You will need to give us:

  • your name and address
  • what improvements you have made
  • how much each improvement cost
  • the date improvements began and were finished.

We may also need to inspect the improvements before paying you compensation.

How much will I get?

You can receive up to £3000 for any one improvement, and you will not receive compensation for an improvement below £50.

What can I claim for?

You can claim compensation for:

  • the cost of materials (but not appliances such as cookers or fridges); and labour costs (but not your own labour)
  • you will usually need to give us an invoice to show how much your improvements cost. If you don't have an invoice tell us about that straight away.

What if I don't agree with your decision on my claim?

You can ask us to review or reconsider the decision within 28 days of you being notified of your award, or non-award. The decision will then be reviewed by someone who had no part in the original decision.

Last modified on 24 February 2023

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