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The Bield at Blackruthven - Southton Smallholding

The Smallholding provides therapeutic work for a group of adults with learning disabilities.

The Smallholding seeks, through therapeutic work, to create a more inclusive community. It also aims to build up the self confidence of people who normally endure long term unemployment and who may feel undervalued.

They rely heavily on charitable support, and the sale of organic vegetable boxes free range eggs, herbs and other produce raises some of the funds necessary to pay expenses to team members. The manager, George Bosworth, Horticulturist team leader, Norma Forbes and assistants Gill & Aldona work with 10 team members and 7 volunteers who come from Perth and the surrounding country on Tuesdays to Fridays, looking after hens, sheep (Rosemary & Peppermint), Kune Kune pigs 'Bubble' & 'Squeak', 'Biskit' & 'Bronte' the goats; 'Clyde' and 'Garcia' the Alpacas and 6 Chinese geese, as well as 3 poly tunnels and a large vegetable garden.

The Smallholding operates 4 days a week (Tuesday to Friday and every alternate weekend; closed on Mondays all day and Sunday nights).

Contact details

Address:The Bield at Blackruthven, Tibbermore, Perth, PH1 1PY    
Telephone:01738 583 238

Last modified on 29 November 2022

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