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Be prepared - advice for businesses and voluntary organisations

As part of our duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Perth & Kinross Council provides advice on business continuity to businesses and voluntary organisations.

Business continuity means having plans in place that will allow you to provide business as usual in the quickest possible time, should an emergency arise that threatens the running of your organisation or the delivery of a service.

How we can help

Perth & Kinross Councils Emergency Planning Service offers free advice. We cannot prepare the plans for you - you are best placed to know your business and its critical processes - but we can provide advice on how to put effective plans together.

Examples of business continuity risks

  • How long could your critical services continue if your utility services were lost?
  • If your premises had to be evacuated, would this jeopardise your critical services? Would you have alternative working arrangements you could put in place, for example could staff work from home?
  • Would there be financial/legal/regulatory penalties if you failed to provide a critical service?

There are five key stages to business continuity planning.

1. Analyse your business

Make a list of the critical services in priority order and consider where you may be vulnerable. The process will determine: 

  • What does your business produce?
  • What key staff and systems are necessary for the delivery of that service?

2. Assess the risks

How likely is an identified risk to occur? How will it affect your business?

  • What can go wrong?
  • How will it affect delivery of your service?

3. Develop your strategy

Your strategy will determine:

  • How can you reduce the risks
  • How you recover from disruptive incidents

4. Develop your plan

A simple generic plan will provide:

  •  A list of actions to enable you to continue your services

5. Rehearse your plan

  • Test the plan to identify problems

For further information, please contact

Last modified on 15 April 2024

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