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Building warrant plans and specifications

Regardless of whether or not you are submitting your application electronically the plans and specifications outlined below apply. For non electronic application you must submit two sets of plans and specifications although for major developments we may, subject to prior agreement, accept one set initially on the understanding that we will need two sets once the documents/plans are finalised.

What plans are required?

Plans must be clearly legible, to a metric scale, and include a full technical specification of the proposals, including the following:

  • A site location plan
    • (i) for new build, extension or demolition to a scale of 1:1250 for built-up areas and 1:2500 for rural areas.
    • (ii) for internal alterations this is only required for rural areas where building is remote - scale 1:2500.
  • A block plan, for new build, extensions or demolition to a scale of 1:500, this should include ground and floor levels.
  • Foundation plan, floor plan(s) and a roof plan to a scale of 1:50 
  • Cross sections and elevations of each face of the building (where affected)
  • Technical specification include details of all materials, drainage (including invert levels at manholes), ventilation, sanitary fittings, chimneys and flues, dpc`s, flashings, thermal & noise insulation, electrical installation, accessibility, etc to show compliance with the Technical Standards.

Applications solely to demolish a building(s), provide:

  • elevations of building(s) together with a block plan and a method statement, which must include details of protective works to secure the building from public access.

Applications for amendment of warrant, provide:

  •  include plans as above, as necessary, to highlight the changes being made.

What additional supporting information is required?

Where significant structural work is being undertaken:

  • it is recommended that you include structural design certification under the Structural Engineers Registration (SER) scheme together with engineers details. This benefits you as it speeds up the warrant assessment and gives you a discount on the application fee.
  • Alternatively you must include structural calculations together with engineers details. Be aware this will delay the application as the calculations are sent to a third party for checking and no fee discount can be given.

Where the application is for a new residential building:

  • Carbon Dioxide Emissions calculations - this can be provided through the Certifier of Design for energy scheme. Providing such certification with your application gives you a discount on the application fee (in addition to any discount obtained by using the SER certification).

Where the application includes a private drainage system:

Obtaining advice and guidance on preparation of plans and specifications

It is recommended that you use a professional designer

Building Standards staff will not prepare plans or specifications but can offer advice on whether or not your proposals will require a building warrant and on matters relating to compliance with building regulations.

Building Standards staff cannot recommend a designer or a contractor for you, however the Council do operate a Better Business Partnership scheme which includes construction trades.

Is there anyone else I should send plans to?

A copy of your plans should also be sent to the following agencies:

  1. Tayside Assessors, Robertson House, Whitefriars Crescent Perth PH2 0LG (in all cases)
  2. Scottish Water, Telephone 0845 601 8855 for your local office (where proposal includes a connection to or building over a public sewer)
  3. Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, B Division HQ, 401 High Street PerthPH1 1PL (commercial premises only on completion of the project).
Last modified on 15 August 2023

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