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Barking dogs

Please note that Dog Control Officers have no powers or duty to intervene where barking dogs are disturbing residents unless there are welfare concerns.

Advice for dog owners

If your neighbours have complained that your dog is barking, advice is available from the Scottish Government.

Advice if you are being annoyed by a barking dog

If you are bothered by a barking dog, you may wish to informally approach the owner , they may be unaware that there is a problem as it may only occur at certain times, for example if the owner is out.

It may be worthwhile keeping a record of when the problem occurs in case you wish to consider a civil legal action.

The most suitable legislation is The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.  Section 49 (2) of the Act allows a person residing in the vicinity of the barking dog to make an application to the Court for an order to deal with anyone who keeps "a creature" which is giving "reasonable cause for annoyance". It is an offence not to comply with an Order.

The Clerk of Court's office will supply the relevant application details.

You do not need to be use a solicitor, though you can if you wish. Written details of the problem are submitted to the Court who then in turn seek your neighbour's side of the story. If they are satisfied that the dog is causing a problem, they may make an Order as described above.

Last modified on 25 January 2022

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