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Control of dogs

All dog owners have a responsibility to ensure that their dog/s are kept under proper control at all times, even in their own home and garden.

If you have concerns about a dogs behaviour you should report this to our Dog Control team on 01738 476476.

The Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 provides our officers with powers to take action against out of control dogs by issuing Dog Control Notices on dog owners.

A dog may be considered to be"out of control" if it is not being kept under control effectively and consistently AND its behaviour gives rise to reasonable alarm, or apprehensiveness on the part of any individual.

A Dog Control Notice can require the owner to take specific measures to improve/control the dogs behaviour and to ensure the safety of other people and animals e.g. kept on a lead, and/or muzzled, in public places.

Please note: If a dog is dangerously out of control in any public place (e.g. bites or attempts to bite a person or seriously injures/kills another animal) this should also be reported immediately to Police Scotland (Tel: 101) for action under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

Last modified on 25 January 2022

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