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Conditions of purchase

The standard Terms and Conditions set out the terms under which Perth and Kinross Council agrees to purchase goods and services from suppliers. These conditions include

  • Acceptance
  • Payment
  • Recovery
  • Non-observance of Conditions
  • Statutory Requirements
  • Law

It is Council policy to pay invoices 30 days from submission. This is set out in Perth and Kinross Council's Terms and Conditions which may be obtained from Strategic Lead - Legal and Governance, Perth and Kinross Council, 2 High Street, Perth, PH1 5PH (

The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced specific duties which set out the requirement for public bodies to determine how they each intend to ensure that, so far as reasonably practicable, the following payments are made no later than 30 days after the invoice (or similar claim) relating to the payment is presented:

  1. payments due by the authority to a contractor
  2. payments due by a contractor to a sub-contractor
  3. payments due by a sub-contractor to a sub-contractor

Perth and Kinross Council has set out in each of the Conditions of Contract the payment terms and duties of suppliers.

Last modified on 12 September 2024

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