We are committed to allowing our tenants to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Where appropriate, we will carry out adaptations to homes to help tenants live comfortably and happily in their property.
Aims and objectives
Our adaptations policy aims to:
- Enhance tenants' quality of life through housing adaptations.
- Ensure timely and efficient adaptations.
- Promote joint working with relevant agencies.
- Involve tenants and carers in decision-making.
- Secure adequate funding for adaptations.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for an adaptation:
- You must have a referral from an Occupational Therapist or a Trained Assessor.
- We will consider housing need, property suitability, and cost-effectiveness.
- Rehousing may be preferred over extensive adaptations.
Priority Levels
Adaptations are prioritised based on urgency:
- Extreme (P1): Immediate need to prevent hospital admission or facilitate discharge.
- Urgent (P2): Essential daily living activities are impacted.
- High (P3): Promotes independence and prevents condition deterioration.
Types of Adaptations
We offer a range of adaptations, including:
- External handrails, ramps, and widened paths.
- Bathroom and kitchen modifications.
- Installation of power points and light switches.
- Strengthening of walls and ceilings for safety equipment.
- Assessment: An Occupational Therapist assesses your needs.
- Referral: The assessor submits a request for the necessary adaptations.
- Approval: The request is reviewed and approved based on priority and budget.
- Implementation: Adaptations are carried out to meet your needs.
Budget and Funding
Adaptations are funded through the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).
For more information or to discuss your needs, please contact the Housing Options Team by emailing them or by telephoning 01738 476000.
Caledonia Care & Repair
Adaptations to private homeowners or private tenants in Perth and Kinross can be carried out by Caledonia Care & Repair, managed by Caledonia Housing Association. Care & Repair provides assistance and support to people with disability and older people who are home owners or private tenants.
The project offers a number of services such as:
- Assistance with Disabled Adaptations
- Small Repairs Scheme
- Advice
You can contact Caledonia by emailing them or calling 0800 678 1228.