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Transport planning - Policy and strategy

The Transport Planning Team is responsible for the long term planning of the transport network in Perth and Kinross.

Have your say, Participate in the Draft Mobility Strategy Consultation (opens new window) !

Transport policy is governed by the National Transport Strategy 2 | Transport Scotland (NTS2), produced by the Scottish Government. This sets out the priorities that the Scottish Government has for transport as a whole, across the country. Regional policy is set by Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs). Perth & Kinross Council is a member of Tactran, the RTP that covers the Angus, Dundee City, Stirling and Perth & Kinross Council areas.

The Perth & Kinross Council's Mobility Strategy, commonly known as a Local Transport Strategy, will set out Perth & Kinross Council's vision for managing and developing the transport network. The Mobility Strategy will consider all modes of transport, for the movement of goods and people, across Perth & Kinross's rural and urban settings, to help achieve national targets and local objectives. The Mobility Strategy will respond to the climate change agenda and changes in how people travel.

The strategy will also consider emerging technologies, digital services, housing, inclusion, poverty, health, climate adaption, economic growth, air quality and place making.

A clear and simple 3-stage approach will be used to deliver the Mobility Strategy:

Last modified on 28 May 2024

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