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Equality and diversity - Partnership working

Perth and Kinross Council continue to work with a range of different partner organisations to deliver our equalities programme. Many of those organisations are experts in a specific area of equalities and it is vital that we are able to learn from their expertise to ensure our services remain inclusive and fair for all.

We have the longest running partnership agreement of any Scottish local authority with Show Racism the Red Card to deliver anti-racism educational workshops to our schools in conjunction with St Johnstone Community Trust. St Johnstone Community Trust also work with the Council to deliver a number of community projects such as an inclusive sports programme for adults with learning disabilities, autism and mental wellbeing issues; a Football Memories programme for those with experience of dementia or age-related memory problems, and a Street Sports programme as a deterrent to antisocial behaviour. All programmes have received individual award recognition at either a local or national level for the positive outcomes they have achieved for participants.

We also provide funding to Third Sector Interface (Perth and Kinross) for them to support community groups working with minority communities.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT)

We were the first local authority in Scotland to sign the Stonewall Scotland 'No Bystanders' pledge and although we are no longer officially part of the Diversity Champions Scheme, we continue to support this cause and organisation. We also work closely with partners including LGBT Youth Scotland and Rainbow Heartlands in relation to the developing of our services suitably for the local Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community.

Minority ethnic communities

We also fund two organisations to deliver specialist services to minority ethnic communities - MECOPP Gypsy/Traveller Carers Project and Ethnic Minorities Law Centre (EMLC). We work closely with those organisations on a number of initiatives to provide our diverse communities with the necessary support and advice to access the services they require. We work closely with local community groups to help those communities integrate and feel fully included, and to support our multi-cultural events and community lunch club programme. We are now a Council of Sanctuary to support people coming into this area seeking sanctuary from war, persecution or other troubles.

Disability groups

We have specific care group strategies for our different disability groups including Mental Health and Wellbeing; Physical Disability (including a See Hear sub-group) and Learning disabilities (Keys to Life). Each of those strategies are led by the integrated health and social care partnership and involve range of other partner organisations as appropriate. We also work closely with the Centre for Inclusive Living in Perth and Kinross to look at issues surrounding safety/access for people with disabilities and to bring key partner organisations/agencies face-to-face with service users.


Last modified on 08 November 2024

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