This information and advice is for individuals assessed as having care and support needs to live independently in the community. This may include those with learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, mental health and acquired brain injury.
Living independently in Perth and Kinross
We want to make Perth and Kinross a place where people will have access to good-quality, accessible, fit-for-purpose, energy efficient housing which they can afford that is in a safe and pleasant environment. People will have access to services that will enable them to live independently and participate in their communities. We also want to provide housing that is technology enabled and offers a safe and secure environment where staff are fully trained and approachable.
Planning ahead
If you are thinking about independent living, there are a number of housing options depending on availability. The solution for you will depend upon a number of factors - your health and wellbeing, finances, family and friends, location, transport, social activities and the care or support you need now and may need in the future.
Moving home can be stressful and daunting so a lot of people leave the decision until they have no choice. Planning ahead is about understanding your situation and your health conditions. It is about helping people navigate the system and make informed choices about their support, care and home. It requires everyone working together to improve quality of life and ensure people can achieve positive outcomes.
Accommodation guide to Independent Living
We have produced an accommodation guide to independent living (PDF, 304 KB) to provide information on the different types of supported accommodation available in Perth and Kinross, which also contains useful information and advice about support to stay in your own home or alternative options that may be available if you have independent living needs.
How to access information and apply for housing with support
If you have been assessed as requiring housing with support, your key worker will ask about your needs and when you might require housing and support to be in place. Your key worker will then begin the process of accessing the most appropriate options for you.
If you have not been assessed or do not currently have a key worker you can contact the Early Intervention and Prevention Team on 0345 30 111 20 or email
The Independent Living Pathway and Panel
Once an individual has been assessed as having care and support needs to live independently in the community (including those with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Physical Disabilities, Mental Health and Acquired Brain Injury) their key worker will complete an Independent Living Form which will be considered by the Independent Living Panel and the outcome shared with the key worker.
Please see more information about the role of the Independent Living Panel and the full Pathway to Independent Living process (PDF, 156 KB).
This short video highlights some of the work we are doing to ensure people who have support needs can live independently in Perth and Kinross:
For more information on independent living please email