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Occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy aims to enable children, adults and older people with physical, mental and/or learning difficulties to be as independent as possible.

This service may include:

  • providing information, rehabilitation, support and/or equipment to increase your independence and confidence with daily activities, such as, toileting, dressing, bathing and moving around your home
  • providing support to you and your carer in understanding and managing your disability
  • arranging for minor adaptations to be carried out to your home, such as grab rails and banisters
  • giving advice and assistance with major adaptations, eg ramp and shower installations and widening doors for wheelchair access
  • giving advice and support on how to meet your educational, work and leisure requirements

How can I get a referral to occupational therapy?

Referrals to the occupational therapy service are made by contacting Occupational Therapy Duty on 01738 476753 or

Referrals are prioritised according to the information given, and people with the most urgent need are seen first. Due to the high demand on the service in Perth and Kinross, it is often necessary for people with non-urgent referrals to wait several weeks to be seen by an occupational therapist.


While many people choose to wait for an assessment, we recognise that some people's situations are less complex than others. To reduce waiting times, people can choose to have an assessment completed over the telephone by an experienced and skilled Occupational Therapy worker. 

Based on your answers, we can provide simple equipment and/or minor home adaptations, such as a bath seat or grab rails that can make everyday activities easier and help you stay independent in your own home.


There is a wide range of equipment available from the Joint Equipment Loan Service (JELS) to help people maintain their independence. Equipment from JELS is provided on a loan basis for as long as the person requires it. When it is no longer needed it is returned to the store.


Occupational therapists work in partnership across all housing tenures and arrange adaptations to remove environmental barriers to independent living. Adaptations range from minor work such as fitting grab rails and levelling thresholds to major building works such as wheelchair ramps, level-access showers and building extensions.

Adaptations are provided to meet individual needs and in line with service criteria. There is no cost to local authority and housing association tenants for major adaptations, and grant funding is available to help private homeowners pay for the cost of their adaptations.


There are no costs for the assessment or provision of occupational therapy equipment. However, if you are assessed for occupational therapy equipment, which requires service and maintenance, you will be asked to make a contribution to the costs of the annual service and maintenance of the equipment.

You can find more information on current costs on our charging and contributions page.

Anyone being asked to pay the annual maintenance charge will also be offered a financial assessment, and depending on their financial circumstances. they may not be asked to pay this full amount.

Any charges which apply to you will be explained at the point of assessment.

How to contact us


Last modified on 20 August 2024

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