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Corporate Plan 2022/23 to 2027/28

Corporate Plan Priority: Working in partnership with communities

This priority contributes to delivery of the following outcomes or aspects of our vision:

  • Communities are resilient, physically, digitally and socially connected

Key actions

  • Establish locality multidisciplinary teams working with our community planning partners and residents to identify and address local solutions to local needs
  • Increase the supply and availability of rural housing
  • Develop and expand our approach to working with communities to identify local actions and priorities and deliver on these together
  • Deliver our internal cultural change programme ensuring all staff contribute to our commitment to engage with and be accessible and responsive to our residents and communities

View the performance measures and targets (PDF) [38KB] for these actions.


The Perth & Kinross Offer Framework sets out our approach to putting people at the heart of everything we do and recognising that everyone has something to offer. It seeks to balance the relationship between people who design and deliver services and people who use them, drawing on the strengths and assets of individuals and communities to improve outcomes. 

We are working with our communities to listen and improve. We know that one size does not fit all, and communities have different challenges, demographics and priorities which need different solutions. What works in one place will not necessarily work in another. Location is also not the only definition of community, and communities of interest have their own experiences, challenges and support needs which may be separate or compounded by their geographic location.

That is why we need to listen to understand what matters most to the people with lived experience and the solutions that will work for them. These may be solutions we can support or enable rather than things the Council does, and so a partnership approach is key. 

Through our equality network arrangements which provide links between the Council and communities of interest. We will continue to develop on this work within geographic communities by establishing locality teams made up of different services and professionals who will work with and within each community to better understand their needs and develop local solutions.

Our Local Housing Strategy, which is under review at the time of writing, sets out our approach to the supply of affordable housing of the type people need in the places they want them. By highlighting the supply and availability of rural housing within this priority we are intending to highlight the importance of housing as a factor in sustaining our rural communities.

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