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Corporate Plan 2022/23 to 2027/28

Corporate Plan Vision and Priorities

Our vision

Our vision is for a Perth and Kinross where everyone can live life well, free from poverty and inequality.

To achieve this we will work with and within our communities to ensure that:

  • Children and young people grow up safe, respected, well-educated and confident in their ability to realise their full potential
  • People and businesses are increasingly able to  prosper in a local economy which supports low carbon ambitions and offers opportunities for all
  • People can achieve their best physical and mental health and have access to quality care and support when they need it
  • Communities are resilient and physically, digitally and socially connected
  • Perth and Kinross is a safe and vibrant place, mitigating the impact of climate and environmental change for this and future generations

Our priorities

These seven priorities are those which we think the Council can directly influence and have the most impact on, and those which are most important to delivering our vision of Perth and Kinross as a place where everyone can live life well, free from poverty and inequality.

As Council resources are limited our priorities will also act as a guide when making difficult decisions about where to invest our funding and staff time and how to make best use of other assets.

Seven coloured wedges in a circle each with a summarised version of one of the corporate plan priorities written on them

The priorities are presented in summary form as a graphic to show the interdependencies that exist between them and the fact that each priority is dependent upon the delivery of the others. In full they are:

  • Working in partnership with communities
  • Tackling poverty
  • Tackling climate change and supporting sustainable places
  • Developing a resilient, stronger and greener local economy
  • Enabling our children and young people to achieve their full potential
  • Protecting and caring for our most vulnerable people
  • Supporting and promoting physical and mental wellbeing

Each priority has a page in this document including context and details of the activities that we will undertake to achieve them. 

Our key principles

Delivery of the priorities will be underpinned by our key principles:

  • Focusing on need informed by evidence and data, rather than demand
  • Working with our communities and partners, and putting people first
  • Being a visible and valued part of our communities, engaging with and being accessible and responsive to our residents
  • Prevention and early intervention to help achieve the best long-term results for people
  • Supporting our workforce to be the best, ensuring they are well-trained and empowered to make decisions
  • Making best use of available assets including transferring or otherwise disposing of those which can best serve the community in a different way
  • Remaining true to our organisational values of integrity, compassion and ambition

Defining our performance indicators

Each of our priorities are supported by a series of performance indicators. We have classified each indicator as control, influence or inform. This shows the distinction between indicators which the Council has direct control over, in terms of the services we provide and how we deliver these, what we can influence but which is also impacted by factors outwith our control, and those which we have no direct control or influence over, but which inform our decision making. 


Our Strategic Risk Register is regularly updated to reflect the risks to the organisation. Many of the priority areas highlighted in this corporate plan are already reflected in our risk register. In early 2023 we will review our risk register to ensure that any additional risks associated with the delivery of our priorities are identified and actions to mitigate these progressed. 

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