Review of Condition 3 on planning permission 23/01202/FLL (Change of use of builder's yard to form extension to garden ground and erection of link extension between dwellinghouse and outbuilding (in part retrospect), Woodstock, Dinnie's Lane, Comrie, Crieff, PH6 2DR)
20-12-23 - Notice of Review (PDF, 1 MB)
04-01-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 29 KB)
04-01-24 - Letter to Interested Party (PDF, 30 KB)
04-01-24 - Letter to Planning (PDF, 30 KB)
08-01-24 - Representation from Contaminated Land Officer (PDF, 259 KB)
19-01-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 29 KB)
01-02-24 - Applicant's response to representation (PDF, 419 KB)
13-03-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 29 KB)
13-03-24 - Letter to Interested Party (PDF, 29 KB)