23/00775/FLL - Erection of a dwellinghouse and agricultural shed, land 150 metres north east of Meadowside, Middleton, Milnathort (Refused)
22-01-24 - Notice of Review (PDF, 12 MB)
24-01-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 29 KB)
24-01-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 41 KB)
24-01-24 - Letter to Planning (PDF, 30 KB)
11-04-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 30 KB)
11-04-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 22 KB)
17-04-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 28 KB)
12-06-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 27 KB)
12-06-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 21 KB)
12-06-24 - Decision Notice (PDF, 21 KB)