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Perth and Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Delivery Plan 2024-27

Perth and Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Delivery Plan - Performance Framework

To provide the necessary assurance that our actions are making the desired impact, we have developed a strategic, outcomes focussed, performance framework.

This framework comprises several headline metrics which are used to measure performance nationally and which link directly to relevant outcomes within our four local priorities. The outcomes associated with the six cross cutting priorities are embedded within the local priority outcomes and metrics. These performance measures will be used, along with supporting narrative and wider contextual information, to provide the necessary assurance that appropriate progress is being made. Where this isn't the case, or isn't possible, we will set-out what further actions we seek to take.  



Headline metric

Prevention and Early Intervention

Fewer people will develop problem alcohol and drug use

  • Prevalence of problem alcohol/ drug use
  • % of people who have a current problem with their alcohol/ drug use

Reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drugs

Risk is reduced for people who use alcohol and drugs


  • Number of alcohol/ drug related deaths
  • Number of ambulance service naloxone administrations
  • Rate of alcohol/drug-related hospital stays

People most at risk have access to treatment and recovery


  • Number of referrals resulting in treatment starting


Developing a recovery-oriented system of care

People receive high quality treatment and recovery services


  • Number of people who have had an initial assessment recorded
  • Number of people prescribed Opioid substitution therapy (OST)
  • Number of approved statutory funded residential rehabilitation placements

Quality of life is improved by addressing multiple disadvantages

  • Mental wellbeing score for adults who have used alcohol/ drugs
  • Ratio of alcohol/ drug-related death rate in the most deprived areas to rate in the least deprived areas
  • % of service users who have received support for housing, welfare and income needs

Getting it right for children, young people, families and communities

Children, young people, families and communities affected by alcohol and drug use are supported


  • % of ADP areas with agreed activities and priorities to implement the holistic Whole Family Approach Framework
  • % of people who would be comfortable (a) living near (b) working with someone receiving support for alcohol/ drug use

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