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Perth and Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Delivery Plan 2024-27

Perth and Kinross Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Delivery Plan - Progress Since 2020

The previous ADP Strategic Delivery Plan ran from 2020-23. This period was one of both significant challenges and developments nationally. These included the impact of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the publication of the Drug Death Taskforce report, the new National Mission on Drugs Death plan and the introduction of the Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards.

Despite these challenges, the ADP has made significant progress in meeting the aims and priorities of the previous 3-year strategic delivery plan.

This is highlighted by key developments across all the priorities outlined in the plan and evidenced by relevant performance data.   

Prevention and early intervention

Key developments:

  • the establishment of a multi-agency Near-Fatal Overdose (NFOD) Pathway to identify and offer support to individuals who have experienced a near-fatal overdose.
  • a steady increase in the number of Take Home Naloxone (THN) kits to reduce the risk of fatal overdose.
  • an increase in the number of Alcohol Brief Interventions (ABI) carried out to reduce problem alcohol use.
  • providing funding to support several projects addressing the impact that substance use is having on young people.    

Performance data:

Number of suspected NFOD reported by Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) - 2020/21 - 175, 2022/23 - 89.

Number of THN kits - 2020/21 - 339, 2022/23 - 658.

Number of ABIs provided in P&K - 2029/21 - 122, 2022/23 - 438.

Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC)

Key developments:

  • an expansion of the network of recovery cafes throughout Perth and Kinross.
  • the development of several new recovery groups including fishing, cooking, walking and a women's group.
  • hosting the National Recovery Walk in 2021.
  • the establishment of a Living Experience Group.
  • organising the first annual RecoverMay programme of events, to celebrate recovery throughout Perth and Kinross.  
  • the formation of the Integrated Alcohol and Drugs Recovery Team (iDART) to enhance support for people with substance use issues.
  • the establishment of a revised process to facilitate access to residential rehabilitation.
  • the implementation of MAT Standards 1-5 to enable the consistent delivery of safe, accessible, high-quality drug treatment services.
  • dedicated funding for specialist advocacy support for people with substance use issues.

Performance data:

Percentage of people referred to community services who begin treatment within 21 days of referral is now consistently above 90%.

There have been 21 residential rehabilitation places approved.

There are now 3 types of opioid substitution therapy available with 75% being prescribed Methadone, 12.5% receiving short-acting oral Buprenorphine and 12.5 receiving injectable Buprenorphine (Buvidal). 

Getting it right for Children, Young People and Families

Key developments:

  • providing funding to support the Family Mentoring Service test of change which uses a Whole Family Approach and goal focussed mentoring.
  • providing funding for a substance use worker to be part of the First Steps (formerly Change is a Must) multiagency partnership which offers intensive family support for families of infants affected by parental substance use, mental health issues and domestic abuse.
  • providing funding for a project worker for the Families Empowering Communities project in Letham and Crieff which aims to reduce disadvantage and inequalities for families and improve outcomes.   

Performance data:

In 2021/22, 8.7% of S4 pupils in Perth and Kinross reported having ever taken illegal drugs. This is lower than that reported in Dundee City or the national average.

Public Health Approach to Justice

Key developments:

  • working with the Community Justice and Safety Partnership (CJP) to support the development of a Custody Arrest Referral Service to support Perth and Kinross residents in police custody in Perth and Dundee.
  • establishing and developing a new Voluntary Throughcare model for Perth and Kinross residents leaving HMP Perth and HMP Glenochil.
  • co-funding the Complex Needs Co-ordinator test of change to provide support to the small but significant number of people who have complex needs that involve multiple services.
  • co-funding the Specified Persons test of change to enhance the provision of Community Payback Orders (CPO) for people who have alcohol and/ or drug treatment requirements.

Performance data:

Drug-related crime rate in Perth and Kinross has been lower than the Tayside and national averages since 2017-18, and a lower proportion of Perth and Kinross residents perceived drug or dealing to be a problem in their neighbourhood in 2021 than in other Tayside areas.


Significant progress has also been made in meeting the aims and objectives of the cross-cutting priorities identified in the previous Strategic Delivery Plan 2023-26. These include:

  • the establishment of a Living Experience Group to provide the ADP with feedback about its key services from people who are currently using them.
  • contributing to the National Collaborative which aims to facilitate and support change and save lives in the alcohol and drug sector.
  • supporting the pan-Tayside Language Matters campaign which challenges the use of negative language towards people who use substances.
  • the development of a performance framework for the MAT Standards.
  • supporting the delivery of motivational interviewing training for ADP partner organisations.
  • joint-working with local trauma champions to develop trauma training opportunities for all ADP partners.    



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