Get ready for an action-packed 2025 in Perth and Kinross
The year 2025 is set to be an exciting one for Perth and Kinross, with events that promise to attract visitors from near and far.
Scheme will encourage 'under-occupying' tenants to downsize
A scheme aimed at encouraging Perth and Kinross Council tenants who have extra space in their homes to downsize to a more suitable property is being proposed by Perth and Kinross Council.
Council rent levels for 2025/26 to be considered
The highest ever number of Perth & Kinross Council tenants have voiced their opinions on the level of rent they pay.
Consultation event for new homes proposal at former school site
People are invited to attend a drop-in consultation event on proposals for 45 new homes on the site of the former Balhousie Primary School in Dunkeld Road, Perth.
The City of Perth Early Childhood Centre
Councillors will be asked to begin the process of permanently transferring the delivery of early learning and childcare services provided by City of Perth Early Childhood Centre (CoPECC) to Goodlyburn Primary School Nursery at the Learning and Families Committee on 29 January 2025.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2025
Perth and Kinross Council is showing its support for the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration on Monday 27 January 2025, which this year has the theme of 'For a better future'.
Committee to consider proposals for early engagement on possible Visitor Levy
The voices of local businesses and residents will be a key part of considering any potential visitor levy scheme for Perth and Kinross.