Community Learning and Development Plan 2024 to 2027
Community Learning and Development Plan - Introduction to Community Learning and Development
Community Learning and Development is a method of working with groups and individuals of all ages to engage in learning, personal development and active citizenship.
The Scottish Government's National Performance Framework clearly defines the specific focus of Community Learning by partners which should be to:
- improve life chances for people of all ages, including young people in particular, through learning, personal development and active citizenship
- create stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities
Support is focused on disadvantaged or vulnerable individuals or groups with the aim of bringing about change in their lives and communities. The term refers to a distinctive process of engagement and support with content that is negotiated with learners.
Community Learning and Development activity has a strong focus on early intervention, prevention, tackling inequalities and includes the following:
- youth work, family learning and other early intervention work with children, young people and families
- community-based Adult Learning including Adult Literacies and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- learning for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and individuals, for example people with disabilities, have care-leaving experience or have a history of offending
- Community Development (building the capacity of communities to meet their own needs, engaging with and influencing decision-makers)
- volunteer development and support
The Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013 place a statutory requirement on local authorities to publish a plan every 3 years, outlining how it will co-ordinate and secure "adequate and efficient" Community Learning and Development provision with other sector partners. Whilst Perth and Kinross Council are required by legislation to lead on meeting the requirements of the Community Learning and Development Regulations, it is important to note that partners must also be meaningfully involved, taking collective ownership and responsibility to produce, implement and review the Community Learning and Development Plan.