Find out how to make your claim for UC
Before you make your Universal Credit claim you will need to be prepared.
You will need to apply online for Universal Credit through the Universal Credit portal. Please make sure you have the following information available when you make your claim:
- your postcode
- your National Insurance number
- details of the bank, building society or credit union account you want your Universal Credit paid into
- your rent agreement (if you have one)
- details of your savings or other capital
- details of any income that's not from work, eg from an insurance plan
- details of any other benefits you're getting
- details of any childcare costs
- any mortgage details (if you have one)
- details of any earned income.
Please be aware that making a claim for Universal Credit will end any claims for legacy benefits that are in payment. Legacy benefits are Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and Housing benefit. If you are receiving any of these benefits please seek our advice before claiming Universal Credit.
If you get stuck making your online claim, you can phone the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644 available Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm.
If you are unable to make a claim online as you do not have the digital skills to do so and are unlikely to ever have them you must call the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644 where an adviser will determine what assistance is needed. This could include assistance over the telephone, a home visit or a paper form.
Citizens Advice Bureau offer help with claiming Universal Credit.
Once you've made your online claim, you will be invited to attend a Universal Credit interview at your local Jobcentre Plus office.
At your Universal Credit interview you will need to bring identification. View a list of identification needed for a Universal Credit claim (PDF, 13 KB).
For more information on how to make a claim for Universal Credit, view the DWP's short video:
Making a complaint
If you are not happy about the service you have received from Universal Credit including how you have been treated, mistakes that have been made, unreasonable delays or not being kept informed you can complain online.