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Universal Credit managed migration

Over the next two years, most working age people who receive legacy benefits (Tax Credits, Income-Related Employment & Support Allowance, Income Support, Income-Based Jobseeker's Allowance and Housing Benefit) will need to claim Universal Credit.

"Migration Notices" (letters from the Department of Work and Pensions asking you to claim Universal Credit within 3 months) are being issued to households affected by managed migration to UC. If you are part of a couple, you will both be sent letters with the same deadline.

If you are in receipt of any of the following legacy benefits you will at some point be issued with a Migration Notice:

If you receive a Migration Notice and you meet any of these circumstances you can ask for a cancellation of the Universal Credit migration:

  • You are responsible for a qualifying young person aged 19 in full time non-advanced education
  • You are within 6 months of reaching State Pension age
  • You are terminally ill

Alternatively, you must claim Universal Credit within 3 months of the date on the Migration Notice otherwise your existing benefit entitlement will end and you will lose any entitlement to "Transitional Protection" when you do claim UC. Transitional Protection is the difference between your existing benefit/Tax Credit entitlement and UC. If you were better-off on your existing benefits/Tax Credits and you claim UC before the deadline date then you should be no worse-off when you move to UC.

If you make your claim for UC after your deadline date (3 months from the date on your Migration Notice) then you will not be paid your Transitional Protection.

There are certain circumstances where you can request an extension to the deadline day for claiming UC, please contact the Welfare Rights Team for more information.

Some changes in circumstances may mean that you will have to claim UC before you receive your Migration Notice and this is called "Natural Migration". In most circumstances, Natural Migration has no "Transitional Protection".

You DO NOT have the option to stay on your legacy benefits.

If you claim Universal Credit before the deadline day, your entitlement to legacy benefits will end on the day before you become entitled to Universal Credit.

This is extended by 2 weeks if you are entitled to a run-on payment of Housing Benefit, income-based JSA, income-related ESA or Income Support.

If you do not claim Universal Credit by the deadline day your entitlement to legacy benefits will end the day before the deadline day with a 2 week extension for run-on payments as above.

Your Housing Benefit entitlement will not end if you are in supported or temporary accommodation.

If your legacy benefits have ended and you claim Universal Credit within a month of the deadline day, then Universal Credit can be backdated to the deadline day.

If your Universal Credit includes Transitional Protection there are certain changes that can decrease your transitional protection payments and certain changes that end transitional protection.

The DWP have further information on Universal Credit managed migration.

Welfare Rights have further information on preparing for, claiming and managing a Universal Credit claim.

For more information and advice please contact Welfare Rights through our Online Referral Form or by contacting 01738 476900 (option 1).

Last modified on 02 August 2024

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