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LDP2 - Additional consultation on 3 Kinross-shire sites

This additional Local Development Plan Consultation consulted on 3 new possible development proposals in: Crook of Devon/Drum, Blairingone, and Rumbling Bridge.

Perth and Kinross Council have adopted the Local Development Plan (2019) and consulted on 3 new possible development proposals in Crook of Devon/Drum, Blairingone, and Rumbling Bridge as part of this process.

Thanks to everyone who submitted their comments and/or attended the exhibition. Here is the summary of the responses. these responses helped inform the preparation of the LDP:

This is the consultation material that was displayed at the exhibition:

Why did we carry out this consultation?

The Council held this additional Local Development Plan consultation between Main Issues Report stage (engaging on issues and options) and the Proposed Plan stage (when the Council decides what its settled view is). The event covered 3 new development proposals within Crook of Devon/Drum, Rumbling Bridge, and Blairingone. These proposals have not previously been supported by officers, but there is potential Council support for them depending on the possible wider community benefits they might bring, and the community feedback on them. It was felt that a public consultation would be useful to inform preparation of the Proposed Plan of the new Local Development Plan 2. We needed your feedback before the Council decides what should be supported in the Proposed Plan. 

Follow progress on the preparation on our Local Development Plan 2 page.

Who can I contact about this?

You can telephone the Local Development Plan Team on 01738 475300.

Last modified on 19 June 2024

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