Information on the Local Development Plan (2019) and National Planning Framework (NPF4) which together form the Development Plan to guide development and the use of land in the Perth and Kinross area.
These pages include useful information for developers, potential investors, communities and other stakeholders on the Development Plan. The plan's purpose is to guide all future development in the Council area and provide the basis for determining planning applications. Learn about how we prepared the plan, find development opportunities in your area and get involved with the next plan revision.
What is a Development Plan?
The Development Plan for the Perth and Kinross Council area comprises the Perth and Kinross Local Development Plan (2019) and National Planning Framework (NPF4, 2023).
Local Development Plan (LDP2)
The Perth & Kinross Local Development Plan (LDP) (2019) (PDF, 46 MB) was adopted on 29 November 2019 and guides all future development and use of land in Perth and Kinross Council area. Please note the Local Development Plan is a large document and may take some time to download.
We have prepared an Interactive LDP2. For any enquiries regarding the interactive map please email
We also have copies of high-resolution settlement maps available to view/download.
The LDP provides clear guidance on what development will or will not be allowed and where. It addresses a wide range of policy issues, including housing, retail, business, industry, transport, recreation, built and natural heritage, placemaking and climate change. For some of these topics, we have produced more detailed Supplementary Guidance that set out the Council's expectations when determining planning applications.
National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4)
The Scottish Parliament approved National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) on 11 January 2023. NPF4 was formally adopted by Scottish Ministers on 13 February 2023 and now forms part of the Development Plan for the Perth and Kinross Council area, and should be considered alongside the LDP.
Strategic Development Plan (NB: ceased to have effect from 13 February 2023)
Previously, the LDP was informed - at the regional level - by a Strategic Development Plan (TAYplan), which was jointly prepared by TAYplan Strategic Development Planing Authority alongside Perth & Kinross, Dundee, Angus and Fife Councils. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 removed the need for the preparation of Strategic Development Plans and the adoption and publication of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) was the trigger for all strategic development plans and any supplementary guidance issued in connection with them to cease to have effect.
How did we prepare the Local Development Plan?
Further information on how the LDP was prepared can be viewed using our How we prepared our Plan page.
The Delivery Programme (PDF, 374 KB) (last updated February 2024) sets out the actions, timescales and partnerships required to implement the policies, proposals and strategies contained within the Local Development Plan through to 2029. This document is updated every 2 years.
We aim to work closely with landowners, developers and consultants to ensure the Delivery Programme is kept up-to-date. If you have an update for a LDP development site, please download the site form (PDF, 146 KB). Once this has been completed please return it to us by email or by post using the address on the form.
The next Local Development Plan (LDP3)
The LDP is reviewed every 5 years to ensure an up to date Plan is in place to guide future development in the area. Please visit our LDP3 webpage for updates on the progress of the next Plan and how you can get involved.