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Listed buildings

A listed building or structure is protected both internally and externally and includes any feature located within its curtilage that pre-dates 1948. The Local Planning Authority is responsible for determining what is covered by the listing and whether or not other structures at the address may also be considered to be covered by the listing. You must apply for consent before you start any work which might affect the character of the building or curtilage feature.

You can check whether a property is listed via our Interactive heritage map.

What categories are there?

The Historic Environment Scotland Policy Statement 2016 sets out the criteria for listing. The main considerations are age and rarity, architectural or historic interest and historical association. There are three categories of listing:

  • 'A' Listed - Buildings of national and architectural importance or little-altered examples of styles or periods.
  • 'B' Listed - Buildings of regional importance or important historic buildings that have been altered.
  • 'C' Listed - Buildings of local importance and lesser examples of a particular era which may have been altered.

More information is available via Historic Environment Scotland if you wish to propose a building for listing, request a review of an existing listing, ask for a building to be delisted or request a Certificate of Intention not to List.

When do I need listed building consent?

It is required for any internal or external alteration, extension or demolition of a listed building which would affect its character as a building or structure of architectural or historic interest. It is an offence to carry out works to a listed building without consent and may be subject to enforcement action.

Dependent on the proposed works, you may also require planning permission therefore it is worthwhile to look at our checklists to see if you need to submit an application for planning permission.

Are grants available to help me?

Historic Environment Scotland offer grant funding with set eligibility criteria for works that propose to repair, conserve or restore listed buildings. Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust also operate a grant funding scheme for works carried out in either Perth or Bridgend conservation areas.

How do I apply?

You can apply online via the portal. Further information about what we would expect to receive as part of a submission can be found in our Application Checklist section.

If in any doubt as to whether listed building consent or planning permission is required, you can engage in pre-application advice.

Last modified on 16 August 2022

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