Bins and recycling
Bins and recycling carousel
Garden waste collection2025/26 Garden Waste permits now available
Grey binGet to know your new kerbside recycling service
Special uplifts for bulky items
Our chargeable bulky uplift service that allows for up to 5 bulky items to be collected from the kerbside (per uplift)
Donating, reusing and recycling
Find out how you can donate, reuse and recycle more
Litter and flytipping
Litter and flytipping are criminal offences that cause a blight on our local landscape, and impact on the health and wellbeing of our communities
Commercial waste and recycling
Services we can offer your business
Waste and recycling news
Find out news, consultations and campaigns related to waste and recycling
Waste education and awareness
Education and awareness activities within communities and school are at the heart of driving a change of attitude toward waste and litter