Children / young people with a family member in the justice system often report feeling not seen and not heard, even though they are not guilty. We want to change that narrative within Perth and Kinross to ensure that our children and young people are seen, heard and supported. Along with being the right thing to do, listening to our young people will enable us to deliver locally on The Promise (opens new window) and the UNCRC Rights of the Child (opens new window).
During 2024 we raised awareness of the Child Impact Assessment toolkit amongst professionals within Perth and Kinross via the provision of Champion Training and shorter Toolkit Training Session. Training was largely offered to professionals on a multi-agency basis. 454 staff attended training during 2024.
The above training offer is now concluded, however, Families Outside have created a short training video (15 minutes) to aid understanding regarding the impact a care givers Justice Journey can have on a child or and young person and how you can support. Please take the time to watch this video.
If you are in any doubt about if the above would be relevant to you, please watch this short video (3.34 minutes) before deciding.