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Garden Maintenance Scheme for tenants

We offer a chargeable Garden Maintenance Service which is available to all our tenants.


The Perth and Kinross Council Garden Maintenance Service provides the following assistance:

  • Grass cut every fortnight (14 cuts) between April and October, weather permitting, cuttings bagged and removed.
  • Grass edges strimmed at alternative cuts but not if you have a stone chipped border (weeding is not provided).
  • An optional annual hedge cut. 

Cuttings will be collected and removed.

Your garden must be in good condition and not overgrown.



There is a charge of £8.73 per week (£453.96 per year) for this service. The charge is payable over 52 weeks and in advance with your weekly rent.

Annual hedge cut (optional)

There is an optional additional charge of £0.90p per week (£46.80 per year) for this service.  This charge is also payable over 52 weeks and in advance with your weekly rent.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in applying for this scheme, please fill in a Garden Maintenance form (PDF, 240 KB) and return it to your local area office.

Report an issue 

Let us know if you're not satisfied with the service you have received. 

Report an issue online with the garden maintenance scheme

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Last modified on 28 February 2025

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