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Permission as a council tenant

Information on which activities you require Permission for as a Perth & Kinross Council tenant.

What do I need Permission for?


View our Alterations and improvements page for information regarding home alterations.


As part of improving security in your home you might consider installing a CCTV camera or video doorbell. However, you need to ensure that you are aware of the implications of the Data Protection Act 1998 to ensure that no-one's human rights or right to privacy is infringed upon. As a Council tenant you will need to seek permission to install a CCTV system or video doorbell as an alteration or adaptation to your home. The criteria for permission to install security surveillance equipment is:

  •  The use of the equipment is for the sole use of crime prevention and detection.
  •  The data collected will be used only for crime prevention and detection.
  •  The equipment does not record sound (except for the use of video doorbells).
  •  The equipment does not view any public area, e.g., footpath, pavement, road.
  •  The equipment does not view any neighbouring properties
  •  The equipment is positioned on an external wall (or main door - in the case of video doorbells).
  •  The installation must be carried out by a suitably qualified technician. (with the exception of battery powered video doorbells)
  •  The CCTV must be securely fixed on an external wall and adequate care must be taken to ensure that the fabric of the building is not damaged or altered.
  •  The camera must not be remotely controlled i.e., it cannot be moved left or right remotely or zoomed in or out using a controller.
  •  The CCTV footage must be made available to the Police or Perth and Kinross Council if it is needed to help with any investigation of crime and/or anti-social behaviour.
  •  The CCTV must be removed at the end of the tenancy and any damage to the property repaired.

Planning permission may also be required to install some CCTV systems.


If you have a spare room we may agree to you having a lodger. Changes to Housing Benefit from April 2013 which will place restrictions on housing benefits received if the house you rent is larger than you need (please see Restrictions Due to Under-Occupation Leaflet (PDF, 932 KB)).

If you consider taking in a lodger, please remember:

  • Lodgers don't have Scottish Secure Tenancies and the Council may not have an obligation to re-house them if you end their tenancy, unless they otherwise qualify under homeless legislation.
  • Any entitlement you have to Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Some Council Tax Discount, Income Support, or other means tested benefit, will be affected by any income you receive from your lodger.
  • You will not be granted permission for a lodger if this would lead to overcrowding for your household.
  • We must be satisfied with the rent level you are charging.


Under certain circumstances it may be possible to sub-let your home for a temporary, defined period. At the end of that time you have to either go back to living there, or end your tenancy. You will need written permission in advance from your local area housing office before sub-letting your tenancy.


Having a pet can be a comfort to many people, and the Council is happy for tenants to share their home with a suitable pet, as long as a few reasonable requirements are met. The conditions of having a pet are set out in full in our Pets Guide for Tenants (PDF, 546 KB).

Permission will be granted for a maximum of two pets for household, however consideration will be taken about the property size, the likely full-grown size of the pet, and the surrounding area. If you already have a cat or dog when you are moving in to a multi-storey flat or purpose-built sheltered housing unit then permission is likely to be given for you to keep the pet with you, but permission won't be granted for similar pets in the future. Exceptions can be made for hearing, guide and assistance dogs.

Satellite dishes

You should ask the Council for permission before attaching a satellite dish to your property. You can do this contacting your Locality Housing Team for an application form.

Running a business

Approval to run a business from your home will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The final decision will depend on the type of business you propose, the type of accommodation you are in, and its effect on the neighbourhood you live. Contact your local area housing team to discuss your plans and to seek permission.

If you plan to register as a childminder working from home you must seek the Council's permission first, and the career in early learning and childcare page may be useful to you.

Planning permission may also be required to run a business from home. Further information on planning permission is available.

How do I ask for Permission?

You should apply for permission for any of the above using our online portal

Alternatively,  you can contact your local area housing team setting out what you'd like to do, and ask for permission to go ahead.

You will usually receive our decision in writing.

If you've not heard from us within 28 days of contacting and providing us with all required information to ask for permission you're entitled, by law, to assume permission from the Housing service has been granted. However, you may still require planning permission, a building warrant and/or vehicular access consent.

If you transfer to another Council house, you should also restart the Permission process if it was not completed.

We won't refuse any request without good reason, and these will reasons will be clearly communicated to you.

Permission may be withdrawn at any time of the activity if it causes a nuisance or annoys residents in the area.

Last modified on 30 January 2025

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