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Development Management Committee - 19 November 2014

A Meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 19 November 2014 at 10.00am.

If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.

Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.


Councillors T Gray (Convener), B Band (Vice Convener), H Anderson, M Barnacle, I Campbell, D Cuthbert, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle and G Walker


1.     Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes

2.     Declarations of Interest

3.     Minute of Meeting of Development Management Committee of 15 October 2014

4.     Deputations

5.     Applications for Determination

(1)   Applications Previously Considered

(i)    10/02181/FLM - GLENDEVON - Variation of Condition (3) of Planning Permission 84/956/MW to enable the winning and working of minerals to continue to 2035 at Glendevon Quarry, Glenquey (PDF, 3 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 14/495) (Pages 11-48)

(ii)   10/02182/FLL - GLENDEVON - Construction of a Haul Road at Glendevon Quarry, Glenquey (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 14/496) (Pages 49-64)

(2)   Major Applications

(i)    10/01899/AMM - KINFAUNS - Erection of a hotel and ancillary facilities (approval of matters specified in conditions) on Land South Of Burnfoot, Kinfauns (PDF, 2 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Refuse) (copy herewith 14/497) (Pages 65-94)

(ii)   11/00534/IPM - BANKFOOT - Erection of 30 holiday lodges, reception/information centre, erection of 10 dwellinghouses and formation of associated cycle trails and woodlands walkways (in principle) on land west of Gellybanks Farm, Bankfoot (PDF, 2 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Refuse) (copy herewith 14/498) (Pages 95-118)

(3)   Local Applications

(i)    14/00844/FLL - INCHTURE - Erection of a shop and flat at Former Brewlands Quarry, Inchture (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 14/499) (Pages 119-134)

(ii)   14/01304/FLL - ABERARGIE - Change of use of agricultural buildings to equestrian facilities (in part retrospect) at Netherton Farm, Aberargie, Perth (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 14/500) (Pages 135-146)

(iii)  14/01412/LBC - CRIEFF - Extension to form dining room and roof terrace at Tower Hotel, 81 High Street, Crieff (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 14/501) (Pages 147-154)

(iv)  14/01413/FLL - CRIEFF - Extension to form dining room and roof terrace at Tower Hotel, 81 High Street, Crieff (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 14/502) (Pages 155-164)

(v)   14/01484/IPL - PERTH - Residential development (in principle), The Atrium, 137 Glover Street, Perth (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 14/503) (Pages 165-176)

(4)   Proposal of Application Notice (PAN)

(i)    14/00010/PAN - AUCHTERARDER - Engineering and other operations to facilitate the establishment and use of a venue for the purposes of holding a music event. The use of existing buildings and land in July each year for the purpose of holding a music festival and associated activities at Strathallan Castle, Strathallan, Auchterarder (PDF, 981 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 14/504) (Pages 177-184)

(ii)   14/00011/PAN - RUTHVENFIELD - Mixed use development including residential, primary school, and community facilities at land 200 metres south east of Huntingtower Hotel, Ruthvenfield, Perth (PDF, 1 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 14/505) (Pages 185-194 )

Last modified on 02 March 2015

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