A Meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 15 July 2015 at 10.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.
Councillors T Gray (Convener), B Band (Vice Convener), H Anderson, M Barnacle, I Campbell, D Cuthbert, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle, G Walker
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of meeting of Development Management Committee of 10 June 2015
4. Deputations
5. Applications for Determination
(1) Applications Previously Considered
(i) 15/00503/FLL - MILNATHORT - Erection of 5 flats and ancillary works, 2 - 12 Wester Loan, Milnathort (PDF, 676 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/301) (Pages 9-32)
(2) Local Applications
(i) 13/01379/FLL - KINROSS - Erection of eight dwellings with associated access road, parking bays, turning areas and drainage arrangements on Land 110 Metres South East Of Beaufield, Balado, Kinross (PDF, 670 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/302) (Pages 33-48)
(ii) 14/01970/FLL - GLENFARG - Erection of four wind turbines, ancillary infrastructure and change of use of two dwellinghouses to offices at Binn Eco Park, Glenfarg (PDF, 646 KB)- Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Refuse) (copy herewith 15/303) (Pages 49-74)
(iii) 15/00346/FLL - PERTH - Change of use and alterations to former nurses' home to form 29 flats Taymount Terrace, Perth (PDF, 667 KB) 15/00346/FLL - PERTH - Change of use and alterations to former nurses' home to form 29 flats Taymount Terrace, Perth - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation -Approve) (copy herewith 15/304) (Pages 75-88)
(iv) 15/00525/FLL - TULLIEBARDINE - Erection of 3 holiday lodges on Land 150 Metres West Of Pinnerwood, Tulliebardine, Auchterarder (PDF, 659 KB)- Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/305) (Pages 89-100)
(3) Proposal of Application Notice (PAN)
(i) 15/00010/PAN - STANLEY - Residential masterplan for expansion of Stanley Village (PDF, 455 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 15/306) (Pages 101-108)
(ii) 15/00011/PAN - PITLOCHRY - Proposed residential development on Land 300 Metres South East of Middleton of Fonab Cottages, Foss Road (PDF, 644 KB)15/00011/PAN - PITLOCHRY - Proposed residential development on Land 300 Metres South East of Middleton of Fonab Cottages, Foss Road - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 15/307) (Pages 109-116)
(iii) 15/00012/PAN - ALYTH - Installation of an underground electricity cable from Tullymurdoch Wind Farm to substation at Coupar Angus (PDF, 427 KB) 15/00012/PAN - ALYTH - Installation of an underground electricity cable from Tullymurdoch Wind Farm to substation at Coupar Angus - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 15/308) (Pages 117-124)