A Meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Wednesday 12 August 2015 at 10.00am.
If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.
Councillors T Gray (Convener), B Band (Vice Convener), H Anderson, M Barnacle, I Campbell, D Cuthbert, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle and G Walker
1. Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minute of meeting of Development Management Committee of 15 July 2015
4. Deputations
5. Applications for Determination
(1) Major Applications
(i) 15/00810/AMM - PERTH - Modification of permission 14/00269/AMM for change of house types (plots 1, 5, 20, 34, 38, 39, 43, 50, 77- 82) and land engineering (in part retrospect), Cherrybank, Necessity Brae, Perth (PDF, 603 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/314) (Pages 9-20)
(2) Local Applications
(i) 14/01365/FLL - STANLEY - Erection of 35 dwelling houses, access and associated works on land west of Shielhill Farm, Stanley (PDF, 647 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/315) (Pages 21-34)
(ii) 15/00669/IPL - KINROSS - Erection of holiday lodges on land 250 metres South of Gellybank Farm, Kinross (PDF, 595 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/316) (Pages 35-48)
(iii) 15/00876/FLL - BANDIRRAN - Erection of wind monitoring mast (in retrospect) at Southtown Farm, Bandirran, Perth (PDF, 591 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/317) (Pages 49-56)
(iv) 15/00994/FLL - PERTH - Alterations and extension to Perth Theatre at 185 High Street, Perth (PDF, 650 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/318) (Pages 57-70)
(v) 15/00995/LBC - PERTH - Alterations and extension to Perth Theatre at 185 High Street, Perth (PDF, 626 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/319) (Pages 71-80)
(vi) 15/01017/FLL - BLAIRGOWRIE - Change of use from retail (Class 1) to function venue (Class 11) at The Lairds House, Lower Mill Street, Blairgowrie (PDF, 576 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/320) (Pages 81-90)
(vii) 15/01033/FLL - CLEISH - Demolition of steading and erection of 8 dwellinghouses (in part retrospect) at Boreland Farm, Cleish (PDF, 705 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/321) (Pages 91-110)