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Development briefs

Planning and development briefs are produced for a variety of sites where significant land use change is anticipated. In many cases such changes happen over a timescale that is too short to include in the formal Local Plan preparation process.

A brief may be required where the Development Plan and any existing  does not cover adequately site-specific issues which need to be addressed prior to the submission of a planning application. The brief will make it clear what is likely to be acceptable and what is unacceptable; where there is flexibility and where requirements are firm.

Where are there development briefs for?

Perth and Kinross has 6 current development briefs and masterplans as identified in the Local Development Plan.


Auchterarder Development Framework (PDF, 2 MB): the framework covers 3 sites, two sites to the north of the village and one identified in part as Op20.

Alongside the 3 identified sites there are junction improvements at Shinafoot (PDF, 929 KB) and Loaninghead (PDF, 415 KB), new development around Auchterarder will be required to contribute to the funding of these improvements.


Kinross Western Edge Development Brief (PDF, 507 KB): the area covered by the brief is beside Junction 6 of the M90, it is a key gateway site to Kinross, and includes a southern relief road. The identified two housing sites (which have now been/undergoing development) and an industrial and business site how identified as E18.


Oudenarde Masterplan (PDF, 2 MB): the sites lies to the East of the M90 Junction 9 near Bridge of Earn. It is identified as H15.

Perth Mill Street

Perth Mill Street Development Brief (PDF, 6 MB): the brief covers a variety of sites in both public and private sector ownership around Mill Street in Perth, the remaining sites identified within the brief are Op3 and Op4.


Perth and Kinross Council is preparing a Development Brief for the site of Thimblerow car park at the junction of Caledonian Road and the High Street in Perth. Further information is available on the Thimblerow Development Brief webpage.

Last modified on 09 November 2023

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