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NSPCC (Staff and Support Workers)

The NSPCC provides a confidential helpline for staff who need advice and are supporting a young person with mental health and wellbeing issues, or who have an enquiry on child protection and related subjects.

Staff can access the direct helpline to contact an information specialist. ChildLine, operated by the NSPCC, provides confidential support for any young person with mental health and wellbeing concerns through a 24 hour helpline with trained advisers, online chats and message boards.

The NSPCC is free to call from landlines and most mobile networks. You can text or email NSPCC for a call back. If you text, please provide your telephone number and name (or false name if you prefer).

Contact Details

  • Telephone: 0808 800 5000
  • Hours of service: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Website: NSPCC

Helpline Advice

The NSPCC helpline offers a variety of advice and support services for professionals working with children through trained advisers, the online Information Service and guides. When a member of staff phones, they will be able to speak to an information specialist with any concerns over child protection or related subjects. If advice or further information is needed, the NSPCC's Information Service offers the latest policy, practice, research and news on child protection issues, which a caller can ask any question on.

In terms of advising people who call the helpline to contact their GP; this is something that one of their practitioners may advise given the nature of the enquiry - it's very much on a case by case basis.

Service Hours

Dependent on demand for service getting through to a practitioner can take anywhere between a few seconds to 5 Minutes. The NSPCC makes every effort to ensure those who call are put through to a practitioner on their first attempt; however this is not always possible - in this case they would be advised to call back at a later time and inform an adviser that they have called earlier so they can the try and prioritise the call.

Last modified on 21 January 2019

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