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Young Minds (Staff and Support Workers)

Young Minds offers various supports to both staff and young people including a directory of helplines to contact, local counselling services, and real life stories to create awareness that young people are not alone.

Contact details

  • Telephone: 0808 805 5544
  • Hours of service: Monday - Friday 9.30am to 4pm
  • Website: Young Minds

Service hours

The Helpline aims to answer your call within 30 seconds once you get through, respond to emails within 3 working days, provide written information packs within 5 working days and deliver calls from our child mental health specialists within 7 working days. Young Minds is free to call from landlines and mobile networks.

Helpline advice

When a member of staff calls the helpline they will get through to a trained advisor who will explore their concerns, and find out what the problem is. The adviser will then go on to help staff understand the child's behaviour, give practical steps to get help, and direct staff to the appropriate services. Young Minds also have a wide range of publications that they can send to staff free of charge. Alternatively, staff may wish to email Young Minds and receive advice from the mental health professionals via email too.

Staff can get guidance about how to contact the GP or child's school, or how to get relevant support from child and adolescent mental health services. Young Mind's trained helpline advisers can provide further information and explore concerns. If necessary they can also arrange for a clinical mental health specialist to call parents and offer advice.

Last modified on 13 April 2018

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