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Food Safety Team performance report

The Food Safety Team carry out Perth & Kinross Council's statutory functions in relation to food law enforcement throughout the Council's area including the regular inspection of food premises to ensure standards of food hygiene are being maintained.

In 2019/20, 709 businesses were the subject of unannounced food hygiene inspections by food enforcement officers to gauge compliance with stringent cross contamination requirements.

At the time of visiting, 597(84%) of premises, were deemed to be operating at a satisfactory level. 109 were subject to revisit which, after intervention, were deemed to be operating to a satisfactory level.

The level of initial compliance found indicates the continued commitment of the majority of food proprietors in Perth & Kinross to operate their businesses within the relevant legal requirements.

The number of revisits carried out however, indicates some businesses require more formal interventions by the council to maintain or raise food hygiene standards.

Feedback results 2019/20

The Food Safety Team support your right to expect excellent levels of service.  Our service delivery was as follows:

  • Customer satisfaction with officers performance - 99%
  • Customers satisfaction with timeliness of reporting - 99%
  • Responding to enquiries within 5 days - 96%

These statistics appear to confirm that officers of the Council are continuing to carry out their inspections in a manner which is appreciated by the businesses.  It also confirms that the Team are effectively communicating the information needed by food business operators to maintain their compliance with food safety legislation and responding to customer enquiries in a timeouts manner.

Food Law Enforcement Policy

Food businesses in Perth & Kinross are included in an ongoing inspection programme to ensure their compliance with food law and to provide where necessary advice and support in that connection. In situations however, where significant breaches of food law are identified which provide a risk to public health more formal enforcement including prosecution or emergency closure may be necessary. A full copy of the Council's Food Law enforcement policy can be obtained by e mail or as a hard copy by telephone at 01738 476476.

Cost of food service delivery

In 2019/20 the net cost of the Food Safety Services in Perth and Kinross is approximately £2.70 per year/per head of population.

Business support

To assist food businesses in the implementation of requirements of EU food law, the officers of the Food Safety Team of Perth and Kinross Council provide support and guidance to each business they inspect on Food Safety Management Systems. Where necessary these support activities are provided at Business Support Seminars on a request basis. The Seminars are free, last for two hours and although there is no exam or formal qualification other than an attendance certificate, they have proved to be invaluable to food businesses.

View our Food safety management template.

Last modified on 21 January 2022

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