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Pitlochry High School - Senior phase education

Following a decision by the Councils Lifelong Learning Committee on 27 March 2019, Perth and Kinross Council are considering options for the delivery of senior phase education (S4 - S6) across Highland Perthshire as part of the School Estate Transformation project.

The options are;

  •  Include S5 and S6 at Pitlochry High School to increase occupancy level;
  •  S4 pupils move to Breadalbane Academy and review use of Pitlochry High School building;
  •  Highland Perthshire Learning Partnership.

A Highland Perthshire Learning Partnership

The Senior Leadership Teams of both schools have considered together how significant collaboration could lead to a shared vision for the future of the educational provision in Highland Perthshire.

This may also include considering what wider community needs could be met by the Pitlochry High School (Secondary) building and the partnerships with other Council services and organisations such as Perth College.

Focus groups

Focus groups have taken place which explored in greater detail the options being considered for the delivery of senior phase education in Highland Perthshire.

As part of this process the Council gathered the views of staff and pupil representatives at Pitlochry High School and Breadalbane Academy as well as representatives of parents/carers.

At each focus group session a presentation (PDF, 1007 KB) was provided giving greater context around each of the options and group discussion followed.
The feedback (PDF, 346 KB) from each session is also available.

September Lifelong Learning Committee

A report will be presented to Lifelong Learning Committee on 4 September 2019 for approval. An update on the outcomes of the report will be made available on this website following the committee. 

Last modified on 30 August 2019

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