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Table 6: Reduced fees for specified planning applications

Fees for some planning applications are reduced. These include applications made by community councils, some applications in conservation areas, some applications for sport or recreation, some applications for matters reserved by condition and cross-boundary applications.

Applications by Community Councils

Community Council applicationsFee calculated in accordance with tables, reduced by 50%.


Applications in conservation areas

  • Where the application relates solely to:
    1. the carrying out of operations for the alteration of a dwellinghouse (but not including the extension of or the erection of a dwellinghouse); or
    2. other operations within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse (but not including the extension of or the erection of a dwellinghouse)
  • the dwellinghouse is in a conservation area
  • the application relates solely to development within one or more of the classes specified in schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order; and
  • the only reason planning permission is not granted by article 3(1) of the General Permitted Development Order is that the development would be in a conservation area.
Fee calculated in accordance with tables, reduced by 25%.


Applications for the provision of facilities for sport or recreation


Where an application is made by or for a club, society, trust or other organisation which is not established or conducted for profit and whose objects or purposes, as the case may be, are the provision of facilities for sport or recreation, and:

  • the application relates to:
    1. the making of a material change in the use of land to use the land as a playing field; or
    2. the carrying out of operations other than the erection of a building containing floor space, for purposes ancillary to the use of the land as a playing field, and to no other development; and
  • that the planning authority is satisfied that the development is to be carried out on land which is, or is intended to be used wholly or mainly for the carrying out of the objects or purposes, as the case may be, of the club, society, trust or organisation.


Applications for approval, consent or agreement required by a condition imposed on a grant of planning permission in principle



  • An application is made for approval, consent or agreement in respect of one or more matters requiring such approval, consent or agreement in terms of a condition imposed on a grant of planning permission in principle ("the current application"), and
  • The applicant has previously made one or more applications for approval, consent or agreement required by a condition imposed on the grant of that same planning permission in principle and paid the fee in relation to such application or applications.
  • Where the amount paid as mentioned in paragraph (b) is not less than the amount which would be payable if the applicant were by the current application seeking approval, consent or agreement in respect of all the matters requiring such approval, consent or agreement in terms of conditions imposed on a grant of a planning permission in principle and in relation to the whole of the development authorised by the permission, the fee payable in respect of the current application is £500.
  • Where:
    • (a) a fee has been paid as mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) at a rate lower than that prevailing at the date of the current application;
    • and (b) sub-paragraph (2) would apply if that fee had been paid at the rate applying at that date,
  • the fee in respect of the current application is £500.


Cross boundary applications - allocation of fee


Where applications are made for:

  1. planning permission; or
  2. the approval, consent, or agreement required by a condition imposed on a grant of permission in principle in respect of development of land lying in the areas of 2 or more planning authorities.

The total fee payable in respect of all the applications is the lesser of:

  1. one and a half times the amount of the fee which would have been payable for an application in respect of the same development but lying in the area of a single planning authority
  2. the sum of the amounts of the fees which would have been payable in respect of all the applications.

The fee payable to a planning authority in respect of such an application is the proportion of the total fee payable equal to the proportion of the total site area of the development which falls within the area of that planning authority.


Applications by not for profit or social enterprises


Where an application relates to development which, in the opinion of the planning authority, has the primary purpose of contributing to a not-for-profit enterprise or a social enterprise, and where the application relates to development which, in the opinion of the planning authority, is likely to contribute to improving the health of residents of the area to which the application relates.

Fee reduced by one quarter for planning applications, certificates of lawful use or development, certificates of proposed use or development, advertisement consents, applications made under section 42 and determinations as to whether the planning authority's prior approval is required

Note: "not for profit enterprise" and "social enterprise" have the meanings in section 252(1F) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). 

Last modified on 26 March 2024

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