Fees for advertisement consent, applications made under section 42, high hedge applications, hazardous substances consent and charges for general administrative matters.
Description | Fee |
All applications for express consent for the display of advertisements | £346 |
Section 42 applications
Description | Fee |
Applications for planning permission made under section 42 (applications to develop land without complying with previous conditions) of the 1997 Act | £346 |
High hedge applications
Description | Fee |
Fees for applications for service of high hedge notices | £350 |
Hazardous substances applications
Description | Fee |
Where an application is made under regulation 6 (applications for hazardous substances consent) where the quantity specified in the application as the maximum quantity proposed to be present exceeds twice the controlled quantity | £1383 |
Where an application is made under:
See Town and Country Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Scotland) Regulations 2015 | £691 |
Administration charges
Description | Fee |
Return of invalid applications | £25 (inc VAT) - submissions which are not able to be validated (because they don't meet the necessary standard) and are returned, or which are returned at the applicant's/agent's request before validation, will generally be subject to this handling charge. |
Statutory press advert | £61.10 (inc VAT) - some planning applications need to be advertised in the local press, at the cost of the applicant. This additional fee will be requested where necessary, after the validation of the planning application and must be paid before determination. |
Paper or email submission of applications | £25 (inc VAT) - paper or emailed submissions (that is, applications that are not submitted via the ePlanning portal) will be subject to this additional handling and administration fee, payable at the point of submission. Please note this payment will be allocated first, before the statutory fee for the application is considered. This may mean that your application fee is underpaid. If this is the case, we will be in touch with you again as part of the validation process to request the further payment. Renewals of permission (made under reg 11 of the Development Management Procedure Regulations) are exempt from this charge. |
Electronic planning history search | £100 (inc VAT) |
Copy of planning Decision Notice | £40 (inc VAT) |
Copy of plans and documents | Contact DevelopmentManagement@pkc.gov.uk for price confirmation. This service is for electronic copies only. |