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Allotments and growing spaces - Food Growing Strategy

Under the guidance of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the Council has prepared a new Food Growing Strategy.

The Food Growing Strategy (PDF, 2 MB) was approved by Council on 27 October 2021 and is to be updated every 5 years with the next strategy due to be published in 2025/2026. 

The strategy will help us improve the existing growing provision for communities across Perth & Kinross and help identify potentially suitable land for allotment and other food growing areas.

Our commitment

Section 119 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 details a specific requirement for Local Authorities to note how they intend to increase the provision of food growing sites, especially in areas that are experiencing socio-economic disadvantage, and to protect and support existing sites. Based on feedback from communities during our previous public consultations we have identified four key actions, which will be prioritised.

Action 1.  Improving the existing growing provision for communities

 Proposed actionsStakeholdersTimescales & progress


Further consultation with existing growing groups (site visits and workshop) to explore barriers and opportunities.PKC, existing
growing groups
Workshops took
place in 2021 and
we will continue to
keep in contact
with local groups.
2.Maintain the Food Growing Storymap and keep up to date with information on local groups.PKC, existing
growing groups
3.Establish and maintain an online allotment waiting list that is transparent and accessible giving everyone the same opportunity to request an allotment in Perth and KinrossPKC (IT,
To be completed
by 2022 and
4.Annual review of allotment provision & potential sites and size of waiting list in line with duties of the Act.PKCAnnual reporting with continuous monitoring of the central waiting list once established.
5.Update the Allotment Regulations in line with the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 duties and engagement with Allotment Associations.PKCTo be completed
by 2022
6.Continue to support the Council`s Good Food working group to link food growing objectives to other priorities such as reducing food poverty and encouraging healthy eating habits.PKCContinuous


Action 2.  Identifying additional food growing land especially in areas experiencing socio-economic disadvantage

 Proposed actionsStakeholdersTimescales & progress


Carry out an open space audit and identify underused open spaces which could be suitable for food growing.
PKC (planning &
Ongoing, to be
completed by end
of 2022
8.Work with partners to confirm land opportunities within areas where there is demand /shortfall. This will include a detailed assessment of potential sites.
land owners
priority will be
given to
settlements with
9.Work with public sector partners (e.g. hospitals, schools) and Housing Associations to identify potentially suitable land within their grounds.PKC, public
section partners,
10.Support the co-location of `Good Food` services - promoting food growing opportunities near schools, food share schemes, libraries, community centres, sport centres etc.PKC servicesContinuous


Action 3.  Delivering new growing spaces, training and skills sharing

 Proposed actionsStakeholdersTimescales & progress


Work with communities to support the establishment of new growing groups and the delivery of food growing sites. Ensure that new sites are equipped with appropriate infrastructure.
Continuous, first
set of projects to
by 2022
12.Establish opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing about food growing as well as preserving, storing, and cooking seasonal produce (e.g. mentoring programmes, Community Cookit).
community cafes
13.Deliver food growing opportunities as part of public realm improvement projects where possible (e.g. Dunkeld Road corridor regeneration).PKC, public
section partners,
14.Incorporate any potential allotment site, identified by the Food Growing Strategy, into the next revision/update of the Local Development Plan and any development brief work.
Encourage/Require all large residential development proposals to provide food growing opportunities.
PKC (City
Development) &
Subject to LDP revision timescales


Assist the Good Food Coordinator in working with community groups. Support the food share pilot projects in Letham & Kinloch RannochPKC (various
teams) and pilot
16.Extend the learning and growing space at Westbank Nursery in PerthPKC, Westbank
Nursery & Perth
To be determined
17.Explore demand for creating tool sharing schemes to make larger / more expensive tools available for community groups.PKCContinuous


Action 4. Raising awareness

 Proposed actionsStakeholdersTimescales & progress


Promote Lend and Tend and help establish local garden sharing schemes if required.PKC,
Continuous, first
set of projects to
by 2022
19.Improve PKC website to act as a `one stop shop` for community growers.
Signpost users to:
  • Existing growing sites
  • Groups looking for volunteers
  • Training opportunities and resources on growing & using produce
  • Planning advice
  • Funding advice
  • Best practice examples
PKC, existing
growing groups
20.Support the implementation of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan by promoting practices and site design that supports biodiversity and delivers other benefits to the environment (e.g. improves soil quality)PKC, Tayside
growing groups
21.Promote available Council support for existing and new growing groups.PKCSubject to LDP revision timescales


Work with schools, the NHS, community councils and others to promote community food growing and spread the word about available opportunities.PKC, schools,
NHS, community


We are currently working on these actions by:

  • Understanding the overall demand for community food growing by networking with existing community groups and allotment associations.
  • Working with communities and schools to open up further growing sites within their areas through public consultation and community events.
  • Establishing the Council's Allotment Site Regulations for allotments on Council owned land.
  • Promoting skills and knowledge sharing between existing growing groups, garden sharing schemes and good practice, e.g. increasing biodiversity in allotment plots and gardens.
  • Raising awareness of available funding for new and existing growing groups.

It's important that we hear from you if you'd like to be involved in a new food growing project in your community, so please fill out this form (opens new window) to take forward your request.

How was the strategy developed?

We carried out the environmental assessment screening as below and produced a Draft Food Growing Strategy for consultation. The public consultation took place between 1st to 25th October 2019 (opens new window). The findings informed the draft Food Growing Strategy which was approved on 28th October 2020.  In early 2021 we engaged with communities (opens new window) and interested parties and incorporated the main outcomes into the final draft which was approved on 27 October 2021.  

Strategic Environmental Assessment

As part of the development process we consulted SNH, SEPA and Historic Scotland on whether the strategy was likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.  In September 2019 we sent our Screening Report (PDF, 172 KB) for the draft Food Growing Strategy to the consultation authorities to determine whether the strategy is likely to have effects on the environment. You can view the response from the Consultation Authorities below:

Schedule 2 of the Environmental Assessment Act sets out criteria for determining the likely significant effects on the environment. Having consulted the three Consultation Authorities, and having considered the criteria set out in the Act, the Council considered that the Food Growing Strategy is unlikely to have significant environmental effects and has therefore decided that a SEA is not required.

Last modified on 22 July 2024

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