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PK Performs

PK Performs is our online performance information platform.

Our Strategic Planning and Performance Management Framework is fundamental to our organisation-wide approach to continuous improvement.  Corporate Performance Reporting ensures that Elected Members and Senior Management are equipped with the information that will allow them to effectively scrutinise our performance against the key priorities and objectives set by Council. Public Performance Reporting ensures that local people are also able to assess performance against our key plans and understand the actions we will take to address any areas of concern. Our organisation-wide Performance Framework sets out how we manage performance within the Council. This is currently being updated to reflect our new Leadership structure and operating model and will be available here soon.

Corporate Plan 2022/23-2027/28

In December 2022 Council approved a new Corporate Plan for 2022/23-2027/28, setting out our vision, outcomes and priorities for the area. The plan also details the actions we intend to take to achieve these priorities and the performance measures we will use to demonstrate progress. To ensure our Corporate Plan remains relevant, we continuously review actions, targets and performance indicators and seek approval from Council for any material changes. These are detailed in our Corporate Plan Change Log (PDF) [26KB] .

Corporate Delivery Improvement Plan

To support improvement activity, and in ensuring that we are delivering upon our Corporate Plan, Councillors approved a Corporate Delivery Improvement Plan (CDIP) (PDF) [837KB] on 15 May 2024, agreeing that progress against this will form part of annual performance reporting arrangements.  In line with continuous improvement, we are keeping this approach under review

Annual Performance Reporting 2023/24

Our Annual Performance Report (APR) provides a high-level overview of the impact that Council services collectively had in the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 and will be available online following approval by Perth and Kinross Council on 30 October 2024. The report evidences how we have performed against our Corporate Plan priorities, actions and associated key performance indicators, in support of delivering the Council vision.

In line with revised reporting arrangements introduced in 2023, the following supplementary information is available below which should be considered as part of the overall Annual Performance Report 2023/24:

  • Executive summary: provides a quick overview of Key Performance Measures (KPI) trends for each strategic priority and a short narrative. This will be available online after the Council meeting in October 2024
  • Case studies: provide illustrative examples of progress on our work towards delivering our vision
  • Best Value report (PDF) [13MB] : provides an overview of progress in how we are meeting our statutory duty to deliver best value
  • Financial Information (PDF) [453KB] : provides a high-level overview of Council income and expenditure
  • Corporate Delivery Improvement Plan Update: provides an overview of CDIP actions and progress updates against them. This will be available online after the Council meeting in October 2024.

Links to previous annual performance reports can be found below:

Service-Specific/Themed Reporting

We are considering our approach to Service and Priority theme reporting as part of wider transformational activity and further detail will be published within the revised Strategic Planning and Performance Management Framework once available.

Previous years' Service Performance Reports can be found here.

National performance reporting and benchmarking

The Council also reports on performance against indicators in the Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF), this data can be found on the My Local Council portal which shows how Councils are performing across a range of council services with comparisons to other Local Authorities and the national average. Please refer to our Benchmarking for improvement page for a summary of what the most recently published LGBF data says about Perth and Kinross.

The Council's strategic objectives are aligned to the national outcomes of the National Performance Framework and a set of 81 national indicators.  Information on the National Performance Framework and the progress being made can be found on the National Performance website.

Last modified on 18 September 2024

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