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Litter education in schools

Litter education is a vital part of environmental education for children. If young people are taught the facts about litter at an early age, they are more likely to have a responsible attitude into their adult years.

The Clean up Scotland campaign is being run by Keep Scotland Beautiful, the environmental charity that administrates the Eco-Schools Program. This campaign is an initiative to get all members of the Perth and Kinross community - including our young people and children - to pledge to take action on litter in order to make this anti-social practice unacceptable.

Litter education in schools can form part of the Curriculum for Excellence, particularly when supporting children to become Responsible Citizens. Taking part in litter picks and litter surveys and then collating and analysing the results can easily be integrated into subjects such as maths and science. And remember that out of the nine topics within the Eco-Schools Program, the only one that is essential, is Litter.

Waste Services can supply litter pickers, gloves and a collection of full bags on request for from the Pullar House office. If you require assistance with organising a litter survey or a litter pick, please do not hesitate to contact a Waste Awareness Coordinator.

Waste Awareness Coordinators are available to provide interactive talks and presentations about waste or litter to Perth and Kinross schools. Please also refer to the links below for downloadable information sheets and tables.

To find out more about what our Waste Awareness Coordinators can offer your school, please contact the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 or email

Last modified on 29 May 2024

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