The WEBWalk, located at Friarton Recycling Centre provides an innovative interpretation centre for school and community groups.
Since the WEBWalk opened this unique facility has received upwards of 7000 visitors from school and community groups across Perth and Kinross eager to learn more about the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle message.
The WEBWalk is fully enclosed by a fence to ensure safety at the busy Recycling Centre. Community groups and schools can visit the site with a Waste Awareness Coordinator who will be able to illustrate the issues around waste and recycling and the solutions by use of illustrative displays and panels, and interactive games and activities.
Built out of reused and recycled materials, the interpretation centre provides views over Perth, the harbour, waste transfer station, weighbridge and the Recycling Centre. Visitors will be able to appreciate the full life cycle of waste and the problems with landfill, as well as the types of materials they can recycle, and their resulting products. Possible solutions to the problems of waste in Scotland are also investigated throughout the tour.
A visit to the interpretation centre can be adapted depending on the type of group, age (P3 and up), or areas of particular interest. Please let us know beforehand if your visit to the facility is being used to inform specific project or course work.
Primary school teachers are encouraged to utilise the specially developed age-specific work-sheets (pdf version at the bottom of this page) to aid pupils in revising key messages from their WEBWalk visit. To avoid paper waste, if your classroom has a SMART board, consider projecting the activity sheets and doing the exercises as a class.
To arrange a visit please contact the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 or Please download a Webwalk Booking Form (Word doc, 40 KB) and a risk assessment form (PDF, 173 KB).