You can opt to submit building warrant applications and other related forms either electronically or in paper format.
To use the electronic system you require to access the forms through the Scottish Government eBuildingStandards portal. All supporting information, including plans must also be submitted electronically as explained in the on-line guidance.
For paper based applications you can download the forms using the links below; the forms include details of where to send them once they are completed:
- Application form for Building Warrant - May 2018 (PDF, 303 KB)
- Application form for Amendment of Warrant - May 2018 (PDF, 230 KB)
- Form Q - Finalisation of Structural Design (PDF, 40 KB)
- Notice regarding start of works (PDF, 83 KB)
- Application form for Temporary Occupation - Oct 2019 (PDF, 67 KB)
- Completion certificate submission (PDF, 77 KB)
- Completion Certificate with no Building Warrant for submission (PDF, 70 KB)
- Application form to extend period of validity for a Building Warrant (April 2024) (PDF, 217 KB)
Ancillary forms
The following forms are not on the Scottish Government Portal so need to be submitted by post.
- Determination Application submission (PDF, 68 KB) - this is specific to Perth & Kinross Council and is solely for use where you are seeking approval for an alternative means of complying with a particular standard. The Alternative solutions (determinations) process does vary between verifiers.
- Heating and Hot Water Certificate - Domestic (PDF, 61 KB) for use upon completion of a new dwellinghouse/flat
- Heating and Hot Water Certificate - Non Domestic (PDF, 62 KB) for use upon completion of any non domestic new building.