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BBQ's and picnics

We welcome the use of our Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces as a place for friends and family to picnic in. It is appreciated that sometimes you may also wish to bring a BBQ to one of our Parks or Open Spaces. We ask that if you do so, you please follow some common sense tips;

  • Please place your BBQ on a firm surface - remember that disposable BBQ's placed on grass or the wood of a bench or table will burn the ground or table, try to place your BBQ on stones or a raised stand.
  • Disposable BBQ's are great for a family picnic, but please make sure that you BBQ is fully extinguished before placing in a litter bin.
  • Please dispose of all rubbish, wrappers, litter and disposable BBQ's in a nearby bin, or take home with you.
  • Fire can be dangerous, especially so when it is dry. Please make sure that you use and dispose of your BBQ carefully to avoid any risk of fire spreading.
  • Never leave any BBQ that is still burning or hot unattended.
  • In some areas it is not appropriate to have a BBQ and there are laws and guidance about where fires (including BBQ's) can be set. They should not be used in areas of woodland because of the increased risk of fire spreading in these areas, and should only be used in a fashion that does not cause damage to property (such as benches) or vegetation. Follow the advice in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code for fires. It is also an offence to set a fire (or BBQ) in an public place where it might endanger members or the public or cause and alarm or offence to other users of that public place, so please bear in mind the other users of an area before you start your BBQ.

South Inch - bonfire site

There is a hard-core surface area in the Lesser South Inch which is an excellent location for hosting a group BBQ or sausage sizzle. The site is next to the Lesser South Inch Parking and Skate Park and would be a great choice for summer events.

We hope that you enjoy visiting and BBQ'ing in the open spaces of Perth and Kinross, but ask that you do so responsibly, bearing in mind the tips above.

Last modified on 05 June 2024

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