I have a business, how can I offer my services to the authority?
Perth and Kinross Council does not maintain a list of 'approved' contractors and suppliers. In order to ensure fair competition, services and supplies are currently advertised via the Scottish Government portal Public Contracts Scotland (opens new window).
Contractors and suppliers are requested to submit an expression of interest in response to tenders as and when they are advertised. The acceptable mechanisms for expressing interest will be outlined in each advertisement.
How will I know about opportunities for Council contracts?
Contract opportunities and Invitations to Tender are advertised via the Scottish national portal Public Contracts Scotland (opens new window) and in some cases where appropriate via other local or national publications.
What about sub-contractors and second tier suppliers?
Perth and Kinross Council recognises the importance of sub-contractors and suppliers within the supply chain and the positive economic impact this can have within the Council boundaries and beyond. Public Contracts Scotland (opens new window) will be used to advertise sub-contracting opportunities.
Upon award of all contracts of substantial value, an Award Notice will be published on Public Contracts Scotland (opens new window).
How can I improve my chances?
There are a number of ways in which you can improve your chances of being successful.
Be prepared for tenders as they are due for release, register on Public Contracts Scotland (opens new window), and set up appropriate alerts by sector or by geographic location.
Where possible, note the expiring dates of recurring contracts to help your organisation plan for placing a bid.
When expressing an interest or completing a tender pack, ensure you follow the instructions issued, answering all questions and returning all documents/evidence requested, and making sure this is provided in the format required. Varying from the above can severely restrict your chances, and may even result in your application being discounted.
Additional support with completion of tenders is offered by the national Supplier Development Programme. The Scottish Government has also published the Supplier Journey.
What is your policy on insurance requirements?
Generally, insurance requirements are stated within tender/contract documents. However, as a minimum, most contracts will require the contractor to be covered by an Employers Liability Insurance to the value of £10 million and Public Liabilities Insurance to the value of £5 million.
If your current level of insurance is below either of these values, it may be possible for you to agree to put the appropriate levels in place before the contract commencement date.
In some cases, additional insurances such as Professional Indemnity Insurance may be required and the values to which the provider must be insured can vary but will be stated in the tender document.
What will be expected of my company with regard to Health and Safety?
Perth and Kinross Council is committed to ensuring the health and safety and wellbeing of its residents, visitors, employees and users of Council facilities and services.
As part of this ongoing commitment we continually assess and monitor the way in which contractors and suppliers provide their services to the Council. This is done in two ways: as part of the tendering process, and during the lifetime of the contract in partnership with the provider.
In our tender packs potential contractors will be asked to provide details of their approaches to Risk Assessment and to provide Method Statements for Safe Systems of Work if appropriate to the performance of the contract.
We will also ask for copies of your Health and Safety policy, and for statements in relation to the provisions you make to promote the wellbeing of your employees.
Should you have any further queries relating to the Health and Safety policies or procedures operated by the Council, please email HandSEnquiries@pkc.gov.uk to be assisted with your enquiry.
What is your policy on equality and diversity in procurement?
Perth and Kinross Council is committed to an Equalities and Diversity Policy covering race, disability and sexual orientation.
The Council will take into account within tender evaluations and contracting processes, a potential contractor's approach to equalities in terms of its employment practices and service delivery, which will also be monitored and managed during the life of each contract.
What is your policy on contractors and the environment?
As part of the Tayside Procurement Consortium, the Council have developed a Sustainable Procurement Policy (PDF, 50 KB).
The Scottish Government produced a Sustainable Procurement Action Plan which encourages organisations to adopt the Action Plan for delivery of sustainable objectives as part of the procurement process.
How do I return tender documents?
Full details on how to return your tender should be included with the tender documents issued and these must be followed exactly to avoid disqualification and ensure your response is considered.
What are your terms for payment?
Where Perth and Kinross Council enters into a formal contract, the terms and conditions are stated within the tender documents and/or be negotiated with the successful company.
These terms of payment will generally be based on our standard terms for the payment of invoices: 30 days from receipt of an acceptable invoice for goods or services performed.
It is the Council's policy to make payment by BACS transfer.
In some contracts, acceptance of the Government Procurement Card (GPC) will be an essential or desired criteria as this offers the lowest transaction cost to the Council. Payment to the contractor is significantly quicker by this method, averaging around 4 to 9 days.
We also now accept e-invoicing.
What is the Tayside Procurement Consortium?
The three Tayside Councils have a history of procurement collaboration. To fulfil the objectives of all three Councils for procurement reform and to establish permanent support arrangements for collaborative procurement in the region, the Tayside Procurement Consortium was constituted in 2008.
If you have any comments on their design or content or purely wish to contact us, please email Contracts@pkc.gov.uk.