- I can assess myself and my peers and suggest improvements (PDF, 37 KB)
- I can copy what someone else does (PDF, 32 KB)
- I can find and use space safely (PDF, 38 KB)
- I can link two skills together and repeat them (PDF, 38 KB)
- I can make different shapes with my body (PDF, 64 KB)
- I can perform actions, balances and rolls showing different body shapes and using different body parts (PDF, 27 KB)
- I can perform jumps on the floor and from apparatus safely (PDF, 58 KB)
- I can perform the five basic jumps on the floor and on apparatus (PDF, 58 KB)
- I can recognise and describe how I feel during gymnastic activity (PDF, 59 KB)
- I can roll using different body shapes and using different body parts (PDF, 31 KB)
- I can show basic control when travelling and when still (PDF, 44 KB)
- I can understand and use mirroring (PDF, 57 KB)
- I can balance showing different body shapes and using different body parts (PDF, 45 KB)
- I can describe what others and I have done (PDF, 30 KB)
- I can link 3 skills or more together and repeat them (PDF, 44 KB)
- I can make my body tense, relaxed, stretched and curled (PDF, 42 KB)
- I can perform actions on different apparatus (PDF, 57 KB)
- I can perform individually, with a partner and in a small group (PDF, 49 KB)
- I can perform movements on the floor (PDF, 35 KB)
- I can plan perform and repeat a sequence of at least four moves (PDF, 38 KB)
- I can roll in different ways (PDF, 43 KB)
- I can roll, balance, travel and climb (PDF, 59 KB)
- I can travel and climb (PDF, 31 KB)
- I can understand how strength and suppleness affects performance in gymnastics (PDF, 32 KB)
Last modified on 10 January 2017